Ralph Waldo Emerson said – We become what we think about all day long. This couldn’t be any
truer. What do you think about all day long? Who’s going to win the football game on Sunday?
Do you think about what you’re going to wear to Sally’s party or who Nicole Richie is dating? If
you think about trivial things all day long – Don’t be surprised if your life turns out trivial.
You can’t think about ridiculous, trivial things all day and then once in a while when you’re in the
mood say, “Oh yeah… and I really want to be successful.” According to Emerson – just start
thinking about success all the time and it will soon come. Emerson fully understood the law of
attraction. The law of attraction is the secret to all great successes. It says that you attract what
you think about and focus on.
You can start harnessing the power of the law of attraction today. I don’t care if you have the flu,
you have two broken arms and 2 broken legs – there’s something you can do today that will
make you successful before you know it. Start spending a lot of your day just thinking about
success. Read and listen to every motivational program you can find. Start using visualization
and filling your mind up with thoughts of success instead of worrying about what Beyonce and
Rihanna are wearing. C’mon – if your mind is filled up with garbage most of the time, you’re
going to become garbage! It’s as simple as that. Think about what you want long and hard
enough and it will come – Action will follow. In the same way though – think about what you don’t
want and it will come. If you sit around all day and think — I don’t want to end up poor, fat and
sick, inevitably you’ll end up poor, fat and sick. The mind knows what you fill it up with. Even if
your intention is to avoid something – if you think about it enough – it’s likely to end up in your
life. So don’t think about negative things. Don’t think about what you don’t want or what you
want to avoid.
Think positively and only about what you want. Your thoughts become your reality. If you want
an amazing life, you must think amazing thoughts. This is not some mystical nonsense.
Quantum Physic has proven this to be an absolute fact. Our thoughts radically effect our reality.
Try it out for a week. Can you do it for that long? For one week, I want you to be very careful
about what you think about. Think big, think positive and know that you will get what you think
about. Don’t let anyone distract you from this for this one week. Avoid negative people for one
week. Only think positive thoughts and dwell on what you want in your life and watch your life
start to transform before your eyes.