• 10 Best Practices Maximize Your Productivity

    1. What is the first thing you do each day and how does it help or hurt your productivity? Create a morning routine that makes you feel fresh and ready to start the day.

    2. Spend some time each day creating a list of things to do that’s prioritized from most important to least.

    3. When you’re performing a task, give it your full attention. If you find yourself too distracted or burnt-out, take a break and come back to the task when you can give it your full focus.

    4. De-clutter your workplace, your mind and your list of things to-do. Remove distractions and things that waste your time, and you’ll find yourself being much more productive.

    5. Don’t multitask! When you multitask, you don’t get more done. Instead, you lose focus and no one task gets the full attention it deserves.

    6. Identify the things that distract you and hurt your productivity most. These are your main enemies! Develop special strategies to eliminate and/or control them.

    7. Discover your best times of day to focus. Each of us has our own natural rhythms. Get in touch with yours and use them to your advantage.

    8. Monitor how you spend your time each day. For a week or two, keep a work log or journal. Look back over it and you may be surprised to discover how you’re really spending your time.

    9. Stay in the best physical health possible because it affects your mindset. Get some exercise, eat and sleep well, and develop some strategies for handling stress.

    10. You’re not alone! Seek help when you need it and get some of the unnecessary items off your to-do list.

    Have a Profound Day! But most importantly make
    sure you make your day count!! 👊💥✌️

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